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WordPress 3.3.1 New Features & Updates.


    Welcome message

    The dashboard home screen displays  a welcome message after a new WordPress installation.


    Co-Editing notifications

    If more than one person is editing the same document, everyone is notified.
    Tumblr importer

    Using Tools -> Import, data from Tumblr can be imported.

    Widget configuration for every single theme is stored. If you change between themes, you no longer have to change them from their default positions.

    Permalinks are more customizable.
    Post slugs

    Some characters in post titles would previously cause weird post slugs. This has been fixed.
    jQuery and jQuery UI

    WordPress now updated to the latest version of jQuery, 1.7.1. It also includes the entire jQuery UI stack.



    Using this method, we can findout if the object is the main WordPress query or a secondary query.
    WP_Screen API

    Working with admin screens is easier with this new API.


    Editor API

    The new editor API now pulls in JS and CSS.

    Flyout menus

    The dashboard navigation makes use of flyout menus, collapsing and expanding as needed.


    Admin + Header = Toolbar

    The admin bar and the header has been combined into one toolbar. These toolbar makes use of submenus.


    Responsive design

    The dashboard screen has been updated using elements of responsive design to fit and support a wide array of devices.



    Help has gotten a complete update and has been categorised  and broken down into smaller topics.


    New feature pointers

    Every new feature added is now explained by pointers.


    Update changelog

    Changes made in the WordPress update can be viewed by clicking the W logo in the corner of the toolbar.


    Easier uploading

    Uploading has been made easier than before.


    Filetype detection

    Filetypes are now automatically detected while updated.


    Drag & Drop media uploader

    Uploading is easy as dragging and dropping into the media uploader.


    New file formats supported in uploading

    Rar and 7z file formats to the list of allowed file types in the uploader.

    Say Hello!

    Let’s work together!

    I’ve been building websites since dialups walked the earth.
    I develop, design, architect & maintain websites.

    © Copyright 2009 – Forever Adeeb